
From Bellot Straits we Went North up Peel Sound. Thankfully Ice free. We had 20kts of wind behind us and for the 1st time in a while the sun set.. We crossed the top of Somerset and then down Admiralty Inlet the Southerly wind peaked around 40kts but the seas were flatish. The wind was enhanced by the Katabatic action developed by the very high hills we were sailing by. Some Cliffs were 1000m meters high…

Bellot Transit

We timed our arrival to coincide with a light incoming flow from the West. At this time it was about 3 knots, maybe a bit more than we wanted but at 15kts boat speed we made good progress against the current. It can run as hard as 8 knots at this point in the passage and this rock throws a mighty wake..This passage never freezes but its location was hard for the explorers to find. and impossible to transit safely under sail.