Where are We?

Day 5 and 6 Were quite different. Day 5 was wet as well as Windy and rolly. We had many strong showers rinsing the boat of all the salt. However today was beautiful and warm with 24c The Sea temp is now 27c  Rosehearty Still rolls but that is what it is going to be. We are all carrying on and getting our jobs done. About 700nm to go now. We were training the Young un's in the old school of sextant work. Sun Lines (LOP'S) Noon Sights and even an upper limb of the moon that was nicely visible.

However the calculations might take a bit more time.

Photo by Lost in Space..

Photo by Lost in Space..

Day 4 A la Cucina

It seems like Groundhog Day out here and that is the way we like it.. Winds still in mid 20's and gusty in Showers. Seas still 4m and we are still rolling. Still on course and making miles. However as it happens we are approaching 1/2 way with 1350 done and 1350 miles to go.. It is a Sunday but work goes on keeping the boat clean and organized and tending to Rosehearty. In the Galley Raya does a great job while the boat rolls around every 10 seconds or so. can not be easy to keep us all fed... Always smiling..

Photo by Hutch "i" San

Photo by Hutch "i" San

To Zig or Zag?

As you can all see when you check the Tracker section we are wobbling along out here.

We go from 270T around to 245T compass heading to keep the boat rolling down to as little as possible. But take the room you are in..Lean it over to 20 degrees and then to 20 degrees the other way and do it every 10 seconds.. Then walk around , cook, do laundry and  sleep?

Anyway we are getting used to it now.

We had a fairly good day catching up on Paperwork, Doing Accounts and tidying up after the refit. Sun is getting warmer and we are now in Shorts and the Aircon is back to cooling mode. Temps are 20c as is the water temp. We now have about 1900nm to go.

Photo by Ricardo "The Wall" Pires

Photo by Ricardo "The Wall" Pires


We are scooting along and trying, Not very well, to limit the rolling. We have genoa and staysail out and drawing. Some Engine assist to help the steering and we are doing around 14 knots.

These are not yet the real trade winds but are providing a connection to them. We should be seeing 20 - 25 its from the ENE to E in a day or so. For now we will take the NNE 30kts as a way to get South if only that N swell of 3-4m would start to come round!

Photo by Hutch"I" San

Photo by
Hutch"I" San

View from the Office

We got away in good order and stood down the East coast of Tenerife. Smooth seas and not too much wind. Then we reached the bottom of the island and the squeeze point and wind acceleration Zones between Gomera, Hiero and Tenerife. Big seas and confused also. About 3-4m again but different directions Winds peaked at 48 knots.. You have to love Winter Atlantic crossings even this far South. Of course all of the above happened as Raya was serving a Lamb Roast. It was excellent but how she did it I don't know. People were sliding all over the Crew mess!! As for the Vaunted Super Moon it was nice but not the Blue/blood we are hoping for. Just a great round full moon you could read a newspaper by

Photo by Hutch i San

Photo by Hutch i San

Atlantic Bound!

We are off the dock in Tenerife on the way across 2600nm to go. We are all looking forward to seeing the Super moon tonight. Although it has been spectacular already on our trip so far.

We have refueled with 30 tons of fuel. Re provisioned for 10 days and ,hopefully, correct some parts of the boat that were causing us problems. This photo is sunset on the 30th.. 

Photo by Ethan Toal

Photo by Ethan Toal


Early the 30th of January we made landfall in Sea Cruz Tenerife. We came alongside and off to the Supermarkets for fresh produce. everyone was happy to be stationary for a while and the first few hours were spent catching up on sleep. A quiet night on board with Fresh Pizza and an early Bed at least for the oldie (me).. Here Raya , Hugo and Lenka who just re joined us, Watch a very nice Rainbow..

Photo by "The" Richard Smith

Photo by "The" Richard Smith

Oh What a Night!

We moved South Pretty Quickly from the Straights but even so it has been quite rough.

We had winds to the 30s and the NNW Swell of 4m  (13") made life onboard a little tedious with the rolling However we have made nice progress and hope to be in Str Cruz Tenerife tomorrow morning at 0800z We have a few parts to wait for and plan to head on over the Atlantic Departing the 31st. Meanwhile we have some nice Storm Photos from last night. It was fairly intense.. The leader going up is on the right.

Photo Ricardo "flash" Pires

Photo Ricardo "flash" Pires


Here it is Gibraltar the 3rd gate for us. 1st gate to pass is crossing Golfe du Lion then passing Cabo de Gata and the last in the Med are the Straits of Gib. The weather calmed for us on approach and the Shipping and Ferry traffic was kind. We had a nice lunch in calm conditions. However by evening dinner time it was fully back on. Poor Raya in the galley did a great job as we rolled down wind in 4m seas and 35+ knots..Great Chili and Fish Tacos! Also we are making nice time with the weather behind us. We did get lucky in that 6 hours after we passed the Straits it was blowing a Gale there.

Photo by Hutch

Photo by Hutch

OFF Again

Well there was a slim weather window which we left on and are still hanging on too. Winds dropped in Cartagena allowing us to get out. We would have had to deal with Gale force winds from the East (behind us) through Gib. So off we went. Been pretty windy with winds into the low 30s and a short nasty sea. But we are slowly getting along. Lots of ships around tonight as we all converge on Cabo Di Gata. From here it is straight to Gib. 

Photo by Catherine Carr

Photo by Catherine Carr

Diver Dan

On the trip we heard noises from the Bow Thruster tunnel which meant a Thrusterless docking in Cartagena. After safely along side Peter Box Donned his wet suit. He loves the rubber... and jumped in to dive on the bottom to check out the noise. Turns out we had sheared a set of bolts off a Zinc on the Hub of the thruster propellor and could have become a serious issue. So full marks to Peter for rectifying the situation. Oh and yes it was cold....


Photo by Hugo Thomas out fit by Peter Box

Photo by Hugo Thomas out fit by Peter Box


As we expected 2 days ago the weather on down the track from Cape Palos to Cabo De Gata to Gibraltar is not great. 25 to 30 with higher gusts to the high 30's..So after a few Gale warnings on the radio we have pulled in to a slip here in Cartagena.  We hope to get going again on Saturday Morning/lunch time ahead of an Easterly Gale!!  At least it will be behind us. Once in and safely tied up we checked our bottom and our rigs both of whom have recently had a lot of Work. The rigs checked out nicely.   If you look at the photo closely you will see the new Sailing yacht A in the background. 

photo by Hugo "snapper" Thomas

photo by Hugo "snapper" Thomas

What goes up!!

We have had a good day with many ship board tasks being undertaken. Raya working in the galley making delicious meals. We are powering along finally in flat water as we pass South of Menorca and Majorca on our way to Cartagena. One little excitement today was being boarded by the Spanish Aduana. They were very polite but had lots of equipment and no photos please...

So as the sun sets the night routine starts.



Photo by Hugo "Sunset" Thomas

Photo by Hugo "Sunset" Thomas

Sunrise off Menorca

A cold night but it was in reality only 8c.. Sea is still rough and confused so we are moving around a bit but the swell has come down from 3m to 1.5m with more improvement to follow.but we are making good time towards Cartagena where we will hole up for a day or so to allow a frontal passage through the Straits of Gibraltar.  All are well on board and the routine feels as though We never stopped. This nice photo was taken by our New Stewardess Catherine Carr.  Welcome to the family..

Photo by Catherine Carr

Photo by Catherine Carr