Bourayne Bay Huahine

This place is a Gem, among Gems.. We had all toys out and the guests that did not dive got there first intro in diving and loved it. paddle boarding and Sea bobbing as well as a jet ski trip..And this before lunch..Then a 3 hour BBQ on the beach with the feet in the water as the tables were sent in .5m.. Some local music and some local skill/games and back to the boat for a nap before....Dinner!


Moorea Hiking

After the obligatory morning Shark dive. A team of intrepid guests and crew set off up the mountain. After a pretty nice hike of 1.5 hours they arrived to a view on the South and the North coats of Moorea. A quicker return brought them back in time for lunch..Stingray snorkeling and Tubing finished out the afternoon before an evening of Tapas on the Foredeck..Good Day..

Photo by Head Down Colville

Photo by Head Down Colville

Opunohu Bay Moorea

We sailed in to Opunohu dropped Ze Bubbles off and anchored up by the reef at the entrance. From the Wildness of the Tuamotus to the dramatic hills of Moorea. What a change for the senses.  Still there was time for a drift Snorkel in the pass before a visit to the Intercontinental for a very expensive drink!  Dinner at the Steak house across the road. Excellent Fish! then back to the boat for an early Bed..


Sailing down to Moorea

We said a goodbye to wonderful Fakarava and said off to Moorea. It was a nice night for a sail.

The pass out of Fakarava was running out but it is not as intense as Rangiroa but you do need to pay attention and it was dark... With Ze Bubbles astern on her tow line and some sail set we headed off to the SW at 12 knots. Not too rolly but you knew we were at sea after days of flat water in the motu's. Sunrise brought an empty sea but fair winds and weather. About Lunch time we spotted Tahiti and soon after we saw Moorea. Land Ho!


Beach BBQ

We Moved, sadly from the South Pass back North to a beach just around the center of the Atol. Still deserted..We mapped a route in for the Tenders and While the guests were off seeing a Pearl farm in the Lagoon we set up the BBQ. Food Drinks tent and Tables went ashore, Firewood in the form of Coconut fronds and Husks were made ready. The moon was setting in the West as dinner was done. it was a great night. Thanks to the Gang...


End of the Day.

Another great day comes to an end. an early dive followed by breakfast..  Then a chilled morning.

We watched our last weeks activities on Video and said a sad goodby to 2 of our guests. Lunch was delicious Indian food. Followed by another dive...This time a drift dive through the pass. A short rest then a night dive...Scaaarryyy...Well it would be for me.. Dinner and an early night methinks after a very busy day on the Water..

Photo by Lenka 

Photo by Lenka 

Mahine Pizza

Mahine literally  hewed the approach to his Pizza place out of the rock. But then you get there!!He has little bungalows facing the Ocean. If you ever want to check out...This is where you come..Bring a book.

It was a sensational evening of Pizza, Laughs and Dancing on this remote Motu.

The food was amazing and the atmosphere as chilled as can be..Perfect Evening

Photo By Ethan Toal.

Photo By Ethan Toal.