And On North to Bermuda

We have had nearly a month in Antigua, at the dock in Falmouth Harbor. Lots of work going on the sailing system. Sails off to the loft for repairs (the mainsail is 1.5 tons!) and some big engineering works on the main boom, the feeder system for the mainsail. In between there were nice times with old friends. Interesting to be there when the 30th Classic Yacht Regatta was on as well as all the action of the 50th Antigua sailing week. We have departed now and are headed up to St Georges in Bermuda. Another favorite spot. Americas Cup here we come!!

Sunset and another Journey.

Well all good things come to an end, Sadly.. We woke this morning and started out from PSV back to Canouan and Great Bay. We dropped anchor after a scenic cruise through Union, Palm, Mayreau and Catholic rocks...while eating breakfast on the flybridge. All too soon we had to say Au Revoir to our great guests..We all hope our paths cross again. I wish they could have seen tonights sunset. as Posted here.

Photo by Hugo "Ten Men" Thomas

Photo by Hugo "Ten Men" Thomas

Waldo Island..

So after our great day of sailing we pottered in to Palm Island located off Union island..It is another private resort and is very picturesque and welcoming. All the usual sport activities were undertaken. Some of the guests even had Kite Boarding lessons so it was a quiet group at Dinner last evening. Here a little picture of our Shadow boat Annalu. Some times it is hard to find but usually the local beach Bar is where we look for Waldo 1st...

Photo by Emerson " Missing in Action" Carlin

Photo by Emerson " Missing in Action" Carlin

Sun Set on the Seao Grande

A great day. A Full  of watersports and  chilling...and just plain old having fun.. Big outs to being able to Paddleboard around PSV.. Great Cocktails ashore but better on Roshearty!! and Dinner by Rosehearty. These Caribbean Days are truly special . Note the Carriacou sloop that was  built by hand on the beach right behind us.

Check out Vanishing Sail for the whole story on You tube or Vimeo

Photo by Teflon Carlin

Photo by Teflon Carlin

To Mustique..

Bit Hazy today but warm and the wind was good. After a morning with some Kite Boarding, swimming and a long lazy breakfast. we up anchored and headed out to Mustique. As it is 10nm to windward we motorsailed it to get there in time for a swim before lunch. Some nice water activity's this evening..Sea Bobs..Paddleboards. Swimming. Touring in the Wally..Hanging on the beach..and finally Dinner..


Photo by Emerson "Which Island?" Carlin

Photo by Emerson "Which Island?" Carlin

Set Up..

Our pick up in Canouan was fairly straightforward and soon we had all the guests on board.A light quick lunch and then a sail up to Bequia. Full main and and the Jib. 10-12 knots of speed sailing close on the wind. A little squally but all enjoyed the sail. We Anchored in Admiralty Bay in time for Sunset, a cocktail and a nice Dinner of local caught Mahi-Mahi Caribbean style.


Photo by: Peter "WAD" Box

Photo by: Peter "WAD" Box