Day 3 Around the Island the Wrong Way

Oh no Even less wind..Again we had a decent start and at the bottom corner we were alongside Zenji and that is the way it stayed for the next 4 hours while the whole fleet sailed by. Dang that 500 tons.. It was great however to sail with such a terrific group of people. We actually sailed the boat better than ever this regatta and the new ratings and the new courses penalize us quite heavily. I guess 4 time a winner was not going to happen. however We did ourselves proud and won the only trophy we could possibly have competed for ...The perini Navi Cup.. For the 4th Time

WOO Hoo well done to the Whole Rosehearty Team



Day 2 Wiggly Course

Another light day was ahead. We managed to get a good Start with Spinnaker drawing and Mizzen Staysail up. We sailed well passing Zenji our sister ship that had started 5 minutes ahead of us and worked our way into the lead by the last mark....But it was to be a 3 mile beat in less than 10knots and 500 tons takes a bit more than that. By the finish 1.5 hours later we were back in 4th! However we go in to the last day in the lead in the Big Girl class...Something to sail for..


Day 3 Mechanical

on day 2 we heard and felt some changes in our genoa furling system and it was getting very hot.

So we did a little house work on board instead of sailing. The Race crew stripped and re built the Harken sailing winches while the Engineers and the Perini Technicians Stripped the Furler to check bearings a big job.. We ordered new bearing and had them flown in but the originals seemed fine. We topped with clean oil and re assembled and it tested better. A nice  (expensive) dinner at L'Isola finished off the day. From the right Rosehearty. Q, Visione, Zenji, Rebecca


Day 1 Practice

We got underway in Fresh conditions. We had some adjustments to do to the  new Genoa and the new Staysail to get them fitting perfectly for racing. after all was done we set off for a sail up wind and threw a good few tacks in. A bear away set to the A3 and off down wind. mizzen staysail up and we were sailing nicely. a few practice jibes and back upwind. We headed back to the dock and a nice work list to complete! Dinner on board for the guests and dinner at the Crew house for the race crew..


St Bart's

Thursday the 8th and finally the swell up North was moderate enough for us to head to St Bart's 

We docked out at 0730 and had full sail set about an hour later. The New sails look great. We then gybed on to course for St Bart's 80nm away. We had a good motor assisted sail in a dying 14 knot wind and dropped Anchor here of Gustavia at 1600. Still too Rough to enter the port but we should be good to go Tomorrow

Drone photo by the BOX

Drone photo by the BOX

No Lee

We went out on Sunday with what looked to be a promising forecast to allow us to change over the Jib and the Staysail. However the wind would just not die down. we even went to the West of the Island of Antigua and still found no lee. having someone up the mast in a 2m swell is not fun.

So we eventually managed to only change the staysail out for the New one before returning to the dock...

Photo by Nikki Mazilu

Photo by Nikki Mazilu

Sail Works

After settling back in to work mode, Clean up and de rusting the boat . We have started the Race preparation for the Bucket We have 2 new sails a Jib and a Staysail Which have arrived. We also take our race sails. Asymetric Spinnakers, A2 (1,700sqm or 15,500sq feet) A3 ( a little smaller) And Mizzen Staysail out of storage. last year we had a big tear in the A3 and here we are doing the repair. This was taken after midnight on Saturday. Andrew and travis worked 24 hours straight to get this repair effected. Thanks Guys..



Photo by Ricardo Pires

Photo by Ricardo Pires

Last Day, We hope..

Been particularly role and Squally today as we close in to less than 100nm to go to Antigua.

We should be docked tomorrow the 9th around 1000 local or 1400Z. Lots of cleaning up to do on the hull and the boat needs a wash! Been a fast trip if not a tad difficult to sleep, cook or clean..

Great job from the Guys and Gals..

Photo shows Antigua to the left at the end of the Red line we have been following on the Great Circle plot Across the Atlantic about 3,900 nm in 2 weeks and 2 days..With 2 stops!

Photo by Hutch

Photo by Hutch

1 Week Down..

So 1 week ago today we left Tenerife. we have been averaging 310nm a day and only have 500nm to go having travelled 2,200nm. An awkward number still to travel as we can not clear customs in Antigua and Dock at night.. So We will have to slow up to arrive Friday morning.. Winds are down a bit today but the roll goes on No showers and the weather is warm..How Lucky are we. this crossing will soon be a memory. It has had everything. Here last nights Sunset taken by Catherine


Photo by Catherine "Kat" Carr

Photo by Catherine "Kat" Carr