Mercury Rising

Ok so there is not much to look at out here but the Cosmos...And it is fantastic. Day four and 1900nm to go. Everything is in its place. A very rare sight even for us sailors is Mercury. Here low in the Eastern sky 30 minutes before sunrise. Above it is Uranus, even harder to see and not visible on a photo. Again taken by the Dawn Patrol.. It is the white speck in the middle with the mizzen boom in the bottom Left

Photo by Brian Carver

Photo by Brian Carver

New Moon

As we come out of our Internet Dark side of the moon (with no internet coverage) so too We are greeted by the New Moon. Out here the air is crystal clear. first couple of nights there was no Moon just brilliant planets and stars. during the day the wind has been constant from the SE and the Swells and sea around 3m. We are headed slowly South and quickly West.

Photo by Brian Carver

Photo by Brian Carver

Baltra Refuel

Well We are now refueled and headed on out towards Fernandina and South from there to Nuka Hiva in the Marquesas. Weather seems set for a reasonable start but the winds will be lighter than usual so the motor will push on... We left our good friends at SailnGalapagos with many thanks for organizing such a great trip. Thank you Ricardo and Yvonne Arenas.

Internet will be off for much of this trip but the Tracker is always on..
