Day 2 and the Wiggly Course


We had a fair start but we sailed downwind really well. We managed to get around the bottom mark nice and clean. we sailed very well upwind and bore away and set all sail. down to the Barrel of Beef we went. At this point we simultaneously Dropped the spinnaker, gybed the boat and opend the jib. on a 190’ boat. Might have been our best ever.. Another spinnaker set and good Gybe and on ,finally to the last leg. This all set up for a thrilling finish and we kept sailing well all the way to the finish where we crossed ahead by a few minutes to be 1st home overall and 1st in class.. Another wonderful day on the water. Well done All Rosehearty crew. These are hard earned points.. Here we are crossing the finish line..


Race 1 and a spectacular Day

Race 1 and a great start upwind.. We are off around the island Anti clockwise. We had a good 1st beat.

After a long run down the back of the island we were doing well. We rounded Isle Fourche…The bottom mark and started upwind back to the finish. We had a few faster upwind boats catch and pass us and so at the end We ended up in 3rd..We should have maybe made second but upwind for us is never our best point of sail against single masted boats. So the 2 sloops overhauled us and were 1st and 2nd. All in all a great day sailing.

Here we are getting the spinnaker down…


Day 2 Bucket Practise

Today we did a full practise downwind start. It is not easy to get correct and if We had done this as well in the racing we would have been quite Happy.. We practised the Wiggly Course always the most intense for the crew with 3 Hoists and 2 Spinnaker packs on the rail around the rocks we went as all the old Yellow stand off nature buoys have been removed. But another beautiful day on the water..

On the second Photo the course we followed is the red one…


As Advertised. Not Fun.

We hopped out of Panama and Shelter Bay Marina and set off. Not too bad at 1st but as you get in towards the middle of the passage between Panama and Jamaica and Haiti the winds and sea are just relentless. 25-30 kts constant up wind gusts higher in a 3.5m sea with a period of 1 sea every 8 seconds. Speed is down around 6-7 kts and the going is slow and very uncomfortable. We have quite a few more days of this before we reach Antigua. hopefully early next week the conditions will moderate somewhat.


Bridge of the Americas.

It is always a marvel to come through the canal. Usually the experience is enhanced by the Pilot..However eventually you get someone who just does not understand the boat they are on. But Capt Markus and Brian got Rosehearty through safely even if the pilot was not sure of the bridge clearances at the tide height we were transiting and always better to be in the middle of the bridge span!. Clearance was about 3m but looks so much less. Now Out to the Caribbean. Not going to be as much fun for sure..

Bridge of Americas.jpg

Equator Crossing

As is the custom We found some Pollywogs on board. (those that have not crossed the equator by Sea) and the Shellbacks ( those that can prove they have) were rubbing there hands with glee. In the past this was a very rough initiation and it did not matter who you were, Captain or Cabin boy everyone got treated the same. 1st a summons and the crimes against you read out to the assembled court.. Then the court meets to deliberate, about 1 minute. Finally King Neptune and his Royal court arrive to dispense the sentences. Mostly unpleasant. Raw eggs, very old slops buckets of slime and a final shaving with a blunt wooden stick in this case. Oh Yes and you need to kiss the Royal Baby’s Belly…


Valparaiso for Fuel and Onwards

We arrived in to Valparaiso and said goodby to Magnus our Ice Pilot and the Marcello our Chilean Pilot. Also Hugo and Catherine got off on leave. Sad to see the team disperse. It has been some Journey. We welcomed on board however a few new faces to help get Rosehearty back to the Eastern Caribbean. Back with us Chef Artur.. Juggy and Nikki. A midnight refuel on the dock and We were off again. The photo does not do the town justice..


Cape Raper Light to Starboard

Well it took us weeks to get South in December and that was with the prevailing winds but Rosehearty has made it back North nice . As our Pilot puts it "is in the Open sea area" so it is a "Very good Idea" to get to Valparaiso as soon as possible as no one likes the "Open Sea Area"....Well we do! ETA To Valparaiso Tomorrow the 6th at 0800. Up next a crew change over and on to Panama!

Nice Photo Jumby One


Now Not so Hidden danger

This ship ran aground on top of yet another vessel that had run aground. OH Dear What was going on. Story was supposed to be..The Captain had sold his cargo and was trying to wreck the ship. It is deep all around this rock and Wreck. But he miscalculated and planted it on the top of the rock and the previous wreck!. Where it remains 50 years later. Wonder what the insurance guy thought when he came on board…Captain where is the cargo!


English Narrows North Bound

20:30 - Rosehearty going through English Narrows. 

It was an absolutely stunning evening... The crew were scattered all around the boat to get their perfect shot of the magnificent reflection in the glass like waters. The temperature has started warming up, and the deck crew quickly realised that there was no need to arrive ‘on watch’ layered up... thermals... under layers... no sir-eee. As they say “suns out. guns out.” 😉


Rosehearty Goes North!

We dropped our guests in Williams and in Ushuaia. Just like that the trip was over…Years of planning. Done.

We certainly got everything we hoped for and more and are left with fantastic memories of anther trip of a lifetime. Thank you Joey…..We switched out some crew, the lucky ones, and brought in our regular delivery guys to help us get North back through the Patagonian we are on a tight time line we have added our Chilean Pilot Friend Marcello Sanchez. He allows us to use Canals that are forbidden to foreign flag vessels as the charts and GPS are un reliable and a strong local knowledge is required. So after some delay with beaurocracy back to Williams for fuel. And More Beurocracy…Finally from there it is full speed ahead for Valparaiso where hopefully the crew can get a few days to unwind before heading on to the Panama Canal..

Photo by John Shears

Photo by John Shears

Seno Pia East and West

On down the Beagle Channel early the next Day. The weather worse than it was the day before.. Very little vis, snow squalls and winds in the 30’ and 40’s oh joy…However as we approached the very narrow navigable entrance..(it is wide looking, However we only float in 100m of it) With Radar ranging We could see how we needed to approach. and in right before the weather shut down again transiting in on the old reliable radar index line. Once inside the weather cleared and we headed 6nm up the West Arm of the Pia Glacier.. It was stunning and we got quite close. Camera time. great Colours..
