Santa Maria

Enough of boat photos for a while. We Anchored off the famous Post office Bay on Santa Maria Island after a 56nm trip over from San Cristobal. Beautiful day with wall to wall sunshine. 2 nice walks today in different parts of the island. On 1 trail we cam across this fine specimen of a male Frigate Bird with his neck pouch fully inflated to attract his mate..That can’t be easy to do. On the afternoon stroll we had lots of flamingos but they were too far away this time. maybe they heard us coming. However we did have some close encounters with Lava Lizards especially this guy.

Photo by Ethan Toal

Photo by Ethan Toal

Photo by Ethan Toal.

Photo by Ethan Toal.

Kicker Rock.

Kicker Rock

I guess in the old times it looked like a foot. On this rock situated Mid way down the North coast of San Cristobal Island and about 1 mile offshore, there are breeding pairs of Nazca Boobies, Blue footed Boobies and Frigate birds. There are a few dive sites but as you can see no where to really land. perfect for bird colony as the Birds are undisturbed..
Nice day but for the swell rolling us a little but nobody seems to mind.

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1st Visitor

It was finally, an easy sail over from Panama and the rain stopped after a full 24 hours of pelting down. We tried to send the rain to Panama where it is badly needed.. At least when we arrived here it was clear. We cleared the formalities here in San Cristobal. and that includes, Immigration x 2, Park ranger, underwater divers to check hull was clean x 2. Bio guys x 2 to make sure we had no illegal foods (There is a lot you can not have on board) The military police, Navy, Port Captain and our Agent…Lots of paper and stamping but We are all good. We finally got to pop ashore to have a quick look around and our first greeting was from the Sea lions.. Welcome back to the Galapagos.

Photo by Raya Hutchison

Photo by Raya Hutchison

Off to the Galapagos. We Go!

We spent the morning and early afternoon scrubbing the bottom of the boat to remove any attached Mollusc’s and weed. We need to have a clean bottom Certificate to enter Galapagos as well as a fumigation certificate. Also what we can bring in as food is very restrictive and We suppose they will take a lot of food away to be destroyed.

We sailed South last evening with lots of commercial traffic and a lot of lightning. The humidity was through the roof. But at that point no rain. However this morning We spent the time running from this chasing squall. It did finally catch us and we have had tropical force rain for about 6 hours now. I think the system center passed behind us moving from North to South. Still very damp out. Seems like we are moving through an ITZ (Inter Tropical Convergence Zone) area which would make sense as it is drier with a lot less humidity in the Galapagos


Panama Transit #3

Panama Canal Transit

Warm and very Muggy conditions greeted us on deck at 0700 for dock out. Time to let someone else use the fuel dock. Anchored in the canal Zone until the pilot boarded. We transited with 2 good pilots, not always the case..Texting and driving freighters does seem alive and well..However our fortune (mis?) was following the USCG Mohawk through each lock. and his boss a certain Mr Trump did not want his destroyer scratched.

But eventful would be the term to be used. Just the way we like it. We anchored on the Pacific side at 0100 May 3rd.


Panama Canal and Shelter Island

We arrived early in the morning and were soon alongside. A quick wash down and time to start to refuel, and re provision. Shelter Bay is Yacht friendly but it is remote from everything Panama. It is essentially in the Jungle on the West side of the North Entrance. And a 1 hour dirt road ferry ride. from Colon which is not a safe place either!! Lots of bugs and Monkeys but not much Else! Transit of the Panama Canal is due tomorrow, afternoon and evening to Flamenco where we fully provision the food and wash the bottom of the boat before heading SW to the Galapagos and San Cristobal..


Off Columbia..

Day 3 and we are trundling along. Actually doing about 14 Kts as we are in the middle of the Trans Equatorial Current that is giving us a shove at 1.5 kts..But nothing comes for Free and the seas are quite rough even running downwind at about 12’ or 3.5m. However, it makes for a fast passage. What is of note is the massive and I mean massive ribbons of Sargasso Weed. Miles and miles and miles of it. It can’t be healthy for the Ocean. Seemingly a by product of chemicals leeching in to the waters from Farming in Brazil and other countries.

That said we have been visited a few times by our dolphin friends as they wave ride on our bow wave so they do not seem to mind the weed.

ETA for Panama still 29/4. Lots of shipping traffic starting to pick up. As is the humidity…


Heart of the Machine

We have photos of many views..But here is the heart of the matter. Roshearty's Engine Room. Looking ship shape and Bristol fashion..Thanks to hard work earlier in the past weeks and months by Richie and Mark, of Course Boxy is part of this also. Thanks guys.. 3 generator sets in there sound enclosures in the foreground and in the background the 2 Ferrari Red Deutz 1100hp motors with there shiny exhaust covers..

We are cruising off the Columbian coast en route to Panama and our 3rd transit in a year.

Weather is kind, trade winds and that means 15-18 kts of wind, the odd shower and a 2m sea rolling us along.


Off to Panama

As the work list for maintenance and the post Bucket repairs got smaller ( We did push rosehearty hard in St Barts), It was time to prepare Rosehearty for the Panama Canal trip and our Return to the Galapagos. As always the last few days were very busy. Stores, Fuel and last minute jobs that were over looked. However, We did get away on time today from Falmouth Harbour bound Panama. As you can see from the Photo the weather is very kind. Winds are light and the Sea State is smooth.


Back to Antigua

We had a windy trip back to the Antigua Yacht Club where we docked at 1700. We had a few Engine issues to sort out so we were a bit latter than We wanted to be. We are now in a full clean up after the Southern trip and the Bucket. Some needed maintenance on Rosehearty, and a bit of time off for a few crew members. We should be laeving here on the 25th April for Panama and the Galapagos. The adventure continues!

Rosehearty is the one in the middle…. with Hyperion to the right and our Friends on archimedes on the left..
